~Bruce Barton
…the offices I have to cover that are the furtherest away are the ones that start the earliest! Over an hour there and over an hour back means I have to leave at the unmerciful hour of 6:45 am.
One of those questions that will probably never be explained or understood.
Sat in front of my computer for the last two nights staring at my WIP with nothing but a sentence or two written. I think both my muses are at the Cannes Film Festival this week. They’re certainly not here with me.
Speaking of films, I can’t wait for the DaVince Code. I read the book. And I read the interviews where Dan Brown says, “It’s just a story!” That’s what I believe. It’s just a story, but it entertained me and I enjoyed it so I want to see the movie. Do I believe it? No. But I like to be entertained. My soon-to-be-a-marine son got to preview it last night, but haven’t seen him yet to ask what he thought about it.
Back to the not writing. What do you do when the words will not come? Would love to hear any ideas you have. Got my guys to a certain place and pfftt! Can’t them out of the bar. The thought crossed my mind that maybe they didn’t want to leave the bar just yet, but by grabs, I am the story goddess and they need to listen to me!
While you’re thinking of ideas to help me get these big and bad Scottish Warriors away from the bar, check out Mik’s new cover. It really is awesome! Will be available July 12 at Samhain Publishing. Love the little ‘horns’ on the phone.